Cultural Impact of the Reformation: Section II.5

Reformation and Reformers in Popular Culture

Erik Redling and Johannes Schilling


Tuesday, 8th of August 2017, Leucorea, Seminar room 2

2.30–3.15 p.m. Eike Hinrich Thomsen: Johannes Hus als Vorläufer Luthers und populärer Märtyrer – Eine Idee des 16. Jahrhunderts?

3.30–4.15 p.m. Jan J. Martin: William Tyndale as Remembered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

4.30–5.15 p.m. Jason Stevens: Ingmar Bergman’s ›Autobiographical Phase‹. A Literary and Filmic Return to a Lutheran Childhood

5.30–6.15 p.m. Esther Wipfler: Martin Luther in Kino und Fernsehen. Zum Wandel eines Images


Wednesday, 9th of August 2017, Leucorea, Seminar room 2

3.30–4.15 p.m. Juliane Stückrad: Wie es luthert! Ethnographische Erkundungen in Eisenach

4.30–5.15 p.m. Michael Beyer: Luthertage, Lutherspiel, Lutherdenkmal, Lutherkarte. Memoria und Folklore im Leipziger Land in der Reformationsdekade 2008 bis 2017

5.30–6.15 p.m. Miriam Tabea Kraaz: Personalisierung und Symbolisierung der Reformation. Martin Luther als Bildungsträger im medialen Raum


Martin Luther is a personality well known beyond a learned public. Public interest in Luther became clear after the Diet of Worms at the latest, and hasn’t ended since. Over the course of centuries, transformations have happened (but for a few constant elements) expressing particular spirits of reception. In Germany, Luther belongs to ›our best‹. What stirs Luther’s popularity? Which elements should definitely belong to a narrative about Luther? And how are those expressed and presented in different media? In the face of Luther’s popularity, other Reformers popularity can be discussed. Why did they not make the same impression? Which forms of memorial were selected and cultivated?

The section discusses insights into how Reformers and their theological, religious and political options are related to one another. Thereby, interdependencies between Reformation and popular culture in diachronous and synchronous perspectives are relevant, with special interest in transatlantic comparison.

Due to present interest in current perceptions in different media, these questions should be discussed, in their international, intermedial and transdisciplinary dimensions. In this context, particular focus should be placed on the following areas:

Reformation and Reformers in children’s books and school books, in popular images, in music and musicals, in games (board games and PC), films, on the internet, in events and in devotional objects and kitsch.

Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation

7 to 11 August 2017

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