Cultural Impact of the Reformation: Section IV

Research Group Ernestine Wittenberg. University and City (1486–1547)

Heiner Lück and Andreas Tacke


Tuesday, 8th of August 2017, Leucorea, Seminar room 10

2.15–6.30 p.m.: University (Heiner Lück and Markus Wriedt)

2.15–2.30 p.m. Heiner Lück: Moderation and Introduction

2.30–3.15 p.m. Ulrike Ludwig: Das landesherrliche Stipendienwesen an der Universität Wittenberg im Reformationsjahrhundert. Seine Wirkung anhand von Karrierewegen

3.30–4.15 p.m. Tilman Pfuch: Luther und die Ernestiner in den Gutachten der Theologischen Fakultät Wittenberg zwischen 1560 und 1660

4.30–5.15 p.m. Isabelle Nispel: Das Wittenberger Collegium Augusteum in der Universitätslandschaft des Heiligen Römischen Reiches im 16. Jahrhundert

5.30–6.15 p.m. Patrick Schiele: Die Wittenberger Universitätsmatrikel. Besonderheiten und Auswertungsperspektiven

6.15–6.30 p.m. Markus Wriedt:  Concluding considerations


Wednesday, 9th of August 2017, Leucorea, Seminar room 10

2.15–6.30 p.m. City (Matthias Asche and Dorothea Wendebourg)

2.15–2.30 p.m. Matthias Asche: Moderation and Introduction

2.30–3.15 p.m. Elgin von Gaisberg: Räume und Erschließungen in der Stadtkirche

3.30–4.15 p.m. Insa Christiane Hennen: Außenräume – Innenräume: Wie verändert sich Wittenberg zwischen 1486 und 1586?

4.30–5.15 p.m. Jan-Christian Cordes: »Des lutterschen Handels halven«. Die Reformation in den norddeutschen Hansestädten Lüneburg, Hamburg und Lübeck als obrigkeitliche Herausforderung

5.30–6.15 p.m. Uwe Schirmer: Die kursächsischen Städte in der Frühzeit der Reformation (1520-1525)

6.15–6.30 p.m. Dorothea Wendebourg: Concluding considerations


Thursday, 10th of August 2017, Leucorea, Seminar room 10

2.15–5.45 p.m.: Residence (Andreas Tacke and Leonard Helten)

2.15–2.30 p.m. Andreas Tacke: Moderation and Introduction

2.30–3.15 p.m. Thomas Lang: Zwischen Haupthoflager, Jagdschloss und geistlichem Zentrum. Die ernestinische ›Residenzenlandschaft‹ und ihre Rolle in der frühen Reformationszeit

3.30–4.15 p.m. Anke Neugebauer: Ahnenforschung und Ahnenarchäologie unter den ernestinischen Wettinern

4.30–5.15 p.m. Mario Titze: Die Restaurierung der Schlosskirche und des Schlosses

5.15–5.30 p.m. Leonard Helten: Concluding considerations


This research project investigates the transformation of Wittenberg between Frederick the Wise’s accession to power in 1486, and the end of Ernestine Rule in 1547.

The exploration of various sources brings insights into the relationship between university, church, citizenry, townscape and expansion of the royal seat. Scriptural, edificial, artistic, and archaeological sources are evaluated. A focus is placed on serial sources like academic disputes, bills of the cities exchequer, electoral bills and electoral official accounts and the ›Gemeine Kasten‹. The Town and Parish Church, the castle, the Augusteum and selected citizen homes are examined with regard to their edificial history, including alterations in the age of the Reformation; archaeological discoveries are examined in relation to the users of each parcel of land.

A broader view on university and city enables new insights into influential actors, institutional and cultural developments: Even before the Reformation, the needs of university and court members and clerks had an impact on everyday life in Wittenberg.



Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation

7 bis 11 August 2017

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