13. Internationaler Kongress für Lutherforschung: Seminar 19

Austra Reinis
The impact of Luther’s postils and exegetical writings on Reformation and Counter-Reformation preaching
Die Wirkung der Postillen und frühen exegetischen Schriften Luthers auf die Predigt in Reformation und Gegenreformation

It has been suggested that in the wake of their publication, Martin Luther’s postils, sermons, and other exegetical writings were used by later preachers in the same manner in which earlier medieval preachers had used the famous Glossa Ordinaria. This seminar will explore the impact of Luther’s exegesis on 16th and 17th century preaching in the Lutheran, Catholic, and other traditions. Seminar participants will each present their research. Time permitting, the texts of select Lutheran and Catholic sermons that draw on Luther’s exegesis will be examined and discussed.

Seminar languages / Seminarsprachen: English and German.

13. Internationaler Kongress für Lutherforschung

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