Cultural Impact of the Reformation: Section III.10

Reformation, Law and Politics

Michael Germann and Christopher Spehr


Tuesday, 8th of August 2017, Leucorea, Auditorium maximum

2.30–3.15 p.m. Anette Baumann: Recht und Reformation. Das Reichskammergericht und seine Rolle als Friedenswahrer

3.30–4.15 p.m. Mathias Schmoeckel: Melanchthons De contractibus

4.30–5.15 p.m. Paolo Astorri: The Reformation of Contract Law

5.30–6.15 p.m. Wim Decock: Theologische Impulse für ein konfessionsübergreifendes Vertragsrecht


Wednesday, 9th of August 2017, Leucorea, Auditorium maximum

3.30–4.15 p.m. Christopher Voigt-Goy: Adiaphora und Toleranz. Lutherische Gutachten zur konfessionellen Koexistenz im 17. Jahrhundert

4.30–5.15 p.m. Tarald Rasmussen: Law and Reformation. Denmark and Sweden Compared

5.30–6.15 p.m. Lisbet Christoffersen: What do Nordic Students and Scholars of Law and of Theology Learn about the Impact of the Lutheran Reformation on Law, Compared to German Scholarship?


Thursday, 10th of August 2017, Leucorea, Auditorium maximum

2.30–3.15 p.m. Brandon Bloch: Justifying Democracy: Johannes Heckel and Ernst Wolf on the Right of Resistance in Luther's Political Theology

3.30–4.15 p.m. Euler Renato Westphal: The Presence of Theology in Culture and the Secular State as Clericalism of the Layperson

4.30–5.15 p.m. Klaus Dicke: Entwicklungslinien protestantischer Staatslehre zwischen Gehorsam und Widerstand

5.30–6.15 p.m. Martin Heckel: Martin Luthers Reformation und das Recht


Impact of the Reformation on law and politics can be found in both justifications and configurations of judicial and political order. They point to the Reformation’s critique of the legitimacy and the prerogative of canonical law and deploy themselves both in the differentiation of confessional cultures of law and in a culture of law to manage confessional difference. Features of this impact are the procedural integration of two (later three) confessions in imperial law, the development of tasks and institutions of the newly forming territorial states, especially concerning social welfare and education (supported by the restructuring of church institutions), the wresting of the law from spiritual claims and the acceleration of patterns of justification based on natural rights.

The section explores the said impact of the Reformation on law and politics exemplified in different topics. Possible themes are norm-building processes, judicial and political journalism, governmental structural change, and strategies, options, motives and attitudes.

Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation

7 to 11 August 2017

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