Kirsi Stjerna and Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen
Luther on women: new paradigms for Luther research
Luther über die Frauen: neue Paradigmen für die Lutherforschung
This seminar invites scholars, women and men, from the global network of Luther research to participate in collegial methodological re-examinations of Luther’s works. The focus will be on feminism and gender perspectives, aiming toward a balancing of different approaches to Luther’s theology and anthropology, and thus featuring new paradigms for Luther research. Participants will contribute with their expertise, while their research papers will be shared and discussed during the seminar. The commitment is to publish the qualified works in a volume that presents a paradigm shift in Luther studies to continue beyond the 2017 anniversary.
The topics of the papers can range from specific themes pertaining to Luther’s theology, anthropology, and biblical interpretation to motifs and arguments developed within the established tradition of international and interdisciplinary women’s scholarship on Luther: e.g., doctrine and gender studies, human nature, sex/sexuality, parenthood, power, knowledge, biblical figures and biblical narratives with gender perspectives, sermons, Luther’s correspondence or associations with women, masculinity/femininity, and human relations.
Seminar languages / Seminarsprachen: English and German.